Pastor Search Information
Our church is currently searching for a Senior Pastor. Below you will find the job description. If you are interested or know someone who is, please send a resume to the address at the bottom of this page.

Pastor Job Description
1. A dedicated man of God, committed to preparing and presenting Bible-based sermons and services, and in agreement with Southern Baptist principles
2. A man of exemplary character and integrity as outlined in I Timothy 3, and Titus 1 with no divorce in applicant's background.
3. Available to be a full-time pastor for Dublin Baptist Church
4. Committed to visiting, counseling, praying for and with church members and members of the community
5. In addition to being a compassionate scriptural leader of the church, will also fulfill pastoral administrative duties as outlined in the current Bylaws for the Dublin Baptist Church, Dublin, Virginia, including but not limited to:
â—‹ Business and Other Church Meetings
â—‹ Special Services & Events
â—‹ Serve as non-voting, ex-officio member of all DBC committees and organizations
â—‹ Provide Godly administrative oversite and support to DBC Church Staff and Support Staff, in harmony and coordination with Deacons
and members of the Personnel Committee
â—‹ Serve as Chairman of the Church Council
6. Willingness to be involved in continual education, self-improvement and awareness of church-related issues.
7. Live within 15-20 minutes driving distance from the church
8. Committed to being actively involved in the church community, including compatible interdenominational endeavors; ex., serving as a DBC representative to the Weekday Religious Education Program
1. Higher education degree, and theological education from a Southern Baptist Convention Seminary
2. A minimum of five years’ experience as pastor, or associate pastor, of a Southern Baptist congregation
3. Knowledge and/or experience with various generational life issues – from birth through senior adults.
Salary will be based on education and experience.
To apply for this position or to ask questions, please send your resume and a cover letter (or cover email) or questions to the following e-mail address: