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Prayer. Obedience. Encouragement.


Good Monday morning! What a great experience it was to connect with each of you yesterday!! As God led us to revisit the first couple of chapters in Nehemiah Sunday, we found that it was very similar to our lives today. We found that, in many ways, it applies not only to current times but to the days that could be ahead of us. I wanted to encourage you with the 3 measures that we identified to enhance our discipleship in the coming days.

Pray: As Nehemiah did, we should find ourselves in prayer with priority. When Nehemiah received the news of the city being in ruins, he stopped what he was doing at that very moment and prayed. He prayed for the forgiveness of the people, he prayed for forgiveness of himself and he prayed for the land. We should mirror those actions by praying for our country and the people in it. We should pray that God will be visible in these times of unclarity. Pray that He will lead those on the frontlines and give them the safety and strength to overcome this challenge. I truly believe that repentance will heal our land.

Obedience: During Nehemiah's prayer, he reminded God that he was aware of His commandments. 4 months later, he again prayed and requested that the king allow him to depart from Susa and return to Jerusalem for the rebuild. Let me encourage you to plan a time of study each day. Read the word to keep your focus on Him instead of the situation. Share the good news with others. Plan a prayer group or study group (at a safe distance) that allows you to remind others of those commandments. Be obedient by honoring Mom and Dad. They love you so much that they are praying for you and your well being every single day. Take care of them, listen to understand and be responsive to their requests. Remember, God over Goggle!

Encourage: When Nehemiah arrived, he did an assessment of the land.Think about today's situation, perform your own assessment. There is no better time than now to generate action in the direction of God. There is no better time to encourage others to hear the good news. There is no better time than now to invite others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Just as Nehemiah did, encourage people to rebuild. Rebuild that behavior within yourselves and turn a light on for someone that may be sitting in the dark.

You can make a difference by implementing these 3 measures into your daily routine. As you get started on your rebuild, feel free to share it with me. I'd love to hear about how God is working in your life. Text me, email me or even message me on SM. Until then, I want you to know that I am praying for each of you and the families that surround you. I look forward to connecting with you again this week!

Through HIM,


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